Improved Joomla Security

We will quickly and efficiently ensure maximum security for a website running on the Joomla CMS. For 7,000 ₽ you will receive a set of the best extensions for Joomla protection worth more than 14,000 ₽ in total, as well as their installation and professional configuration on your site.


  1. Service application form

  2. Risk area and consequences for the site

  3. What does the site protection service include?

  4. What hacker attacks will prevented?

  5. What extensions will be installed?

  6. How much does the service cost and what are the terms?

  7. Procedure for performing the service

  8. Service guarantees

Request for protection

Infected website

A site is at risk if it:


It is popular

Popular sites are always of increased interest to attackers.


Creates competition

The higher the competition, the higher the probability of running into professional hackers hired by a competitor.


Accepts payments

Accepting payments through the site is an additional incentive for hackers who want to profit at someone else's expense.


Powered by popular CMS

Joomla is a fairly secure CMS, but its popularity encourages hackers to constantly search for its weak points.


Has a lot of third party code

Third-party CMS extensions may have their own vulnerabilities. And if the extension is also pirated, then your site is probably already hacked.


Interacts with the user

The more interactive interaction a site provides with the user, the more loopholes there may be in its security.

Hacked site

Consequences of website hacking:


Loss of trust

Customers and search engines will lose trust in your site, which will lead to all the ensuing consequences.


Loss of customers

You risk losing old clients and not finding new ones, because your authority may be irrevocably undermined.


Loss of positions

An infected site can instantly fly out of search results, and it will be very difficult to return to its previous positions.


Losing money

Losing positions in search results is fraught with the loss of potential customers, and the loss of customers is an inevitable loss of profit.


Loss of website

Hackers can wipe your site from the server, and if regular backups were not made, the consequences may be irreversible.


Loss of business

If your entire business is based on a website, then hacking it could result in the loss of everything.

Terms used:

Component, Extension, CMS, PHP, Backup