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Sourcerer is a system plugin for Joomla that allows you to place PHP and any other code, including CSS and JavaScript styles, directly into the site content. The plugin works not only in articles, but also in sections, categories, modules, components, meta tags, etc.

It is no secret that the Joomla visual editor filters the content and cuts off part or all of the code. Now you can simply place original codes directly in the WYSIWYG editor. The only thing you need to do is to surround the code with special Sourcerer plugin tags. Before inserting the code into the content, you no longer need to disable the visual site editor: the plugin will allow you to bypass all restrictions on tag filtering by the site system and display any code anywhere on your site. The Sourcerer system plugin is installed together with a button for the visual editor, which makes it easier to frame the code with plugin tags, and the Regular Labs Framework system plugin, which ensures the operation of all Regular Labs extensions. Manual insertion of special tags is also possible: just frame the code in {source}code{/source}.

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